What is the Intention Behind Getting An ESA Pet ?

Dealing with life’s ups and downs often needs external support in addition to inner fortitude. For many people, having someone there who won’t pass judgment or set expectations is essential. Numerous people have grown to rely on emotional support animals (ESAs) as a safe haven. But what motivates a person to choose such a course of action? To what end do people seek an emotional support animal?

The intention of this piece is to delve deeply into the emotional underpinnings of such choices. As we progress, you’ll learn how these pets improve people’s lives in many ways, from the psychological to the physiological. It’s more than simply hanging out; it’s a path to self-improvement and inner peace.

Pet is your best friend
Pet is your best friend

Why People Choosing ESA Pet?

Having an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is all about emotional comfort and mental well-being. 

People get ESAs because they offer love and company, especially when life gets tough. Whether it’s feeling down, anxious, or just lonely, an ESA is there to help. They aren’t like trained service animals, but their simple presence can make a big difference. It’s like having a fuzzy friend who’s always there to listen and comfort, no matter what. For many, getting an ESA means choosing a happier, more comforting path in life.

Selection of the Right ESA

Selecting the right Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is a critical step in ensuring a successful and therapeutic relationship between the individual and the animal.

Animal Temperament

Not all animals are suited to be ESAs. The ideal ESA possesses a calm demeanor, is easily trainable, and is not aggressive. Their primary role is to provide emotional comfort, so an animal that naturally seeks affection and is responsive to human emotions is ideal.

Understanding the Individual’s Needs

Before choosing an ESA, one should evaluate their lifestyle, living space, and specific emotional needs. For instance, someone living in a small apartment might be better suited to a cat or a small dog rather than a large breed.

Consultation with Professionals

Mental health professionals or organizations specializing in ESAs can offer valuable insights into the best choices for an individual, ensuring that the selected animal truly aligns with therapeutic goals.

Treat your pet like a family
Treat your pet like a family

Responsibilities of ESA Owners

Responsibilities of ESA Owners

Owning an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is not merely about the benefits one receives; it’s also about the responsibilities one must uphold to ensure the well-being of the animal and the people around them. Here’s an exploration of these duties:

Proper Care and Maintenance

Nutrition: Ensure that the ESA receives a balanced diet suitable for its species and age.

Health: Regular vet visits, vaccinations, and preventive treatments are paramount.

Hygiene: Keeping the ESA clean and groomed, depending on the animal type, prevents health issues and ensures comfort.

Training and Socialization

Behavioral Training: While ESAs don’t need formal training like service animals, basic obedience is essential to avoid disturbances in public places or at home.

Socialization: Regularly exposing the animal to various environments and people helps in reducing anxiety and aggressive tendencies.

Unconditional love of dogs
Unconditional love of dogs

Ethical Considerations

Not Abusing the Status: Only those with legitimate emotional or psychological needs should seek an ESA. Misrepresenting the need for an ESA discredits the system and may make it harder for those genuinely in need.

Public Behavior: It’s the owner’s responsibility to ensure that the ESA does not cause disruptions or pose threats in public spaces.

Understanding Legal Obligations

Accommodations: While ESAs are granted certain privileges, such as housing accommodations, owners should be aware of where ESAs are not allowed.

Travel: If planning to travel, owners must familiarize themselves with the airline’s ESA policies and the regulations of their destination.


In summary, the selection of the right ESA goes beyond mere personal preference. It encompasses a deep understanding of individual needs and a commitment to the responsibilities of pet ownership, all geared towards achieving emotional and psychological well-being.

Natalie Shin
Natalie Shin

Meet Natalie Shin, a devoted veterinarian, a passionate pet lover, and an invaluable contributor to Get Your Pet Certified.
She has been an invaluable part of our team at Get Your Pet Certified, fervently writing and sharing her knowledge and experiences.