Is A Beagle intelligent? – More Than Just Cute Faces
Beagle, which is known for its friendly manner, curious nature, and adorable looks. However, the intelligence of Beagles dogs has been a topic of fascination and debate among pet owners. The question arises: Is a Beagle intelligent?
In this talk, we will talk about how smart Beagles are and what traits and skills make them smart. By shedding light on the things that make these dogs special, we can learn more about how smart they are.

Why Beagles Rank Low For Dog Intelligence
Dog intelligence rankings are often based on trainability and working intelligence. The most cited list comes from Stanley Coren’s book “The Intelligence of Dogs,” which ranks dog breeds according to three types of intelligence:
- Instinctive (what the breed was designed to do)
- Adaptive (how well the breed learns from its environment)
- Working/obedience (how quickly and effectively the breed learns from humans)
Beagles rank 73rd out of 138 breeds in Stanley Coren’s intelligence scale. They’re positioned in the “Lowest Degree of Working/Obedience Intelligence” category. Means that they require a relatively high number of repetitions to understand new commands (80-100 repetitions or more) . They also have a lower obedience command repetition success rate (about 25-30% of the time).
However, this ranking isn’t a comprehensive measure of a dog’s intelligence or their value as pets. Beagles were bred for scent hunting, and they excel enormously in this area. They are known to have one of the best-developed senses of smell of any dog, second only to the Bloodhound. This type of instinctive intelligence isn’t necessarily reflected in Stanley Coren’s ranking.

The Beagles’ Personality Affected the Intelligence Trials
Indeed, Beagles’ lower ranking in terms of dog intelligence is primarily due to their independent nature and the characteristics they were bred for.
These dogs were trained to hunt in groups and make decisions on their own as they followed scents. So, they may pay more attention to their surroundings and less attention to human orders, which can be seen as a lack of respect or trainability.
However, this does not make them any less intelligent. This independence can sometimes be mistaken for stubbornness or lower intelligence during traditional dog intelligence trials. For example, a Beagle might be more interested in sniffing out a fascinating scent than retrieving a ball or following a sit command.
Furthermore, Beagles are known for their friendly and affable nature. They might negatively impact their performance on tasks that require strict concentration or a rapid response to commands.
In the end, Beagle’s behavior doesn’t show a lack of intelligence. But rather a different kind of intelligence that these tests can’t measure well.
Specific tasks that Beagles are particularly good at due to their intelligence
Certainly, Beagles excel at several tasks due to their particular breed intelligence. Here are a few:
Scent Tracking: Beagles have an exceptional sense of smell, second only to the Bloodhound. They were bred for tracking, and their ability to follow a scent trail is a prime example of their intelligence.
Detection Work: Many Beagles are used at airports, borders, and quarantine zones around the world for detection work, sniffing out banned or illegal goods like drugs or food items.
Problem Solving: Beagles’ curious nature and determination often make them great problem solvers. This trait can be seen when they figure out how to get to a hidden treat or navigate a complex environment.
Search and Rescue: Given their remarkable scent-tracking abilities, Beagles are often used in search and rescue operations. Their intelligence helps them track down missing people by following their scent.

The different ways to train and stimulate a Beagle’s intelligence
Training and stimulating a Beagle’s intelligence can be done in a variety of ways:
Obedience Training: Beagles are known for their stubbornness, so positive reinforcement methods work best.
Example: Start with simple commands like “Sit,” “Stay,” “Come,” and gradually move on to more complex commands. Use a treat to lure your Beagle into a sitting position. As soon as they sit, say “Sit,” give them the treat, and praise them. This helps them associate the command with the action and the reward.
Scent Games: Beagles have one of the best senses of smell among dog breeds. Use this to create stimulating scent games.
Example: Hide a treat in one of your hands, then present both hands to your Beagle and ask them to “Find” or “Seek”. You can also hide treats around the house or garden and have them sniff them out.
Mental Stimulation Exercises: Puzzle toys, training new tricks, or interactive games can be great for keeping a Beagle mentally stimulated.
Example: Use puzzle feeders during meal times to make your Beagle work for their food. You can also teach them new tricks, like rolling over or playing dead, which not only keeps their mind active but also strengthens your bond with them.
Physical Exercises: Beagles can stay fit and keep their minds sharp by working out regularly. If you take your Beagle to a dog park or set up play dates with other dogs on a regular basis, it will learn how to get along with people and other dogs.
Example: Regular walks, fetch games, or agility courses are good ways to exercise your Beagle. Vary the routes and locations of your walks to expose them to different environments.